It is a known fact that all social media platforms have policies to help keep the forum safe and secure. The act of blocking people on Twitter usually does not come as a surprise to most people. You will be blocked if you have been making it difficult for someone somehow. Sometimes, a user may not want to share any activities with you, thereby blocking you. This guide gives you a detailed explanation of finding out who has blocked you on Twitter. Thus, you’re in the right place if you’re curious about that.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Who Has Me Blocked on Twitter
There are many reasons why you may be on the receiving end of an unwanted block from someone else on Twitter. You may have been blocked accidentally, or you did something completely innocent. The user may have seen it as offensive or hurtful and decided to block you. Anyway, you will want to know if someone blocked you when you don’t get the user’s update again. You may always get specific user tweet updates on your timeline. But suddenly, you stopped receiving a tweet from the user. This stirs your attention because you assume the user has blocked you. But you won’t know unless you do what we teach you next. Find out who has blocked you on Twitter with the two simple methods we explained below.
Method #1: Checking the User’s Profile
Recall we said Twitter does not notify you when someone blocks you. Likewise, there is no magical list of blocked Twitter accounts where you appear or know almost instantly if you have received a ban. Thus it is ideal to confirm yourself on the user’s profile if such happens. Doing this is easy with just a few steps, and you will get your assurance. Here’s how to know if someone blocked you from the user’s profile: Also, when a user has blocked you, the message on the user’s profile page is “@username has blocked you.” Followed by, “You are blocked from following @username and viewing @username’s tweet.” The only setback with this method is that you can only find out about one user and repeat the process for the next.
Method #2: Using a Third-Party App for the Number of Users
This method is ideal when you don’t know the person’s username. When you connect your account with a third-party web app called Blolook, you’ll see how many blocks you’ve had. However, it will only help you estimate the number of people who blocked you. It is always an estimate because if users who don’t use the service block you on Twitter, it won’t count the person. Here’s how to use Blolook to count the number of people that blocked you: Here, you will find the number of users who have blocked you on Twitter. Apart from that, you’ll see the numbers of users that you both blocked each other as mutuals. Also, the app gives you the number of users you have also blocked. The only downside of this method is that you’ll never know the names or usernames of those accounts.
Since there’s no way to get an alert or access a list to see who has blocked you on Twitter, these two methods are ideal. We also do not know if Twitter will delight us with such a function in the future. However, when someone blocks you on Twitter, you won’t see any of the user’s activities across Twitter and cannot message such a user.