When you no longer wish the video to be available, you can consider deleting the video from Facebook. This guide offers a step-by-step guide on how to delete videos on Facebook. We will cover the steps of achieving that on your Facebook app and the desktop Facebook version. Furthermore, we will discuss questions users have regarding deleting Facebook videos.

Should You Delete Facebook Videos?

The answer depends on your intentions. If you uploaded a video by mistake or the video no longer serves a purpose, you can decide to delete the video. Besides, if you feel you no longer want to be associated with a video you shared as a post earlier, you can delete it from your profile. So, it all depends on what you want to achieve by deleting the video. Note that you can only delete a video you uploaded on your account. If you are involved in another video, you must ask the person owning the account to delete it.

How To Delete Facebook Videos

There are two options for deleting Facebook videos. You can use your mobile Facebook app or the desktop Facebook version. Follow the steps in the methods below.

Method #1: Using Facebook Mobile App

The steps below will work in deleting Facebook videos on Android or iPhone: Your Facebook video is now deleted. Repeat the same steps if you need to delete more videos.

Method #2: Using Facebook Desktop App

If using a PC or Mac, you can open the Facebook desktop app or access it from a browser, then proceed with the steps below: Your video will get removed from your account.


Deleting Facebook videos is not a difficult task. This guide has presented all the steps you should follow on Android, iPhone, or desktop to delete videos on your Facebook profile easily.

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